This webpage is created to showcase Jacky Cheung, one of the Heavenly Kings. Although there are lots of other websites that featured him, I still haven't found one that lists all the lyrics to his songs on an album. They contained only his more popular songs, but I know there are some of you out there who have been searching high and low for lyrics to his other songs.
He has albums dating back to 1985 (that's a LOT of albums !!!), and it's not going to be easy compiling the lyrics, so I'm just gonna start with his definitve album, the one that catapulted him to the BIG time. The rest will follow soon.
Oh, you'll need to install Chinese word recognition software to read the Chinese words in GB format (not BIG5). If you are having second thoughts, don't. One of the advantages of installing the software is that you can surf other websites with Chinese characters in them. Not to mention informing me about errors in the lyrics on this site (they're inevitable, I guess).
Jacky's Albums
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Last Updated: Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 9:05 PM